44 of Essex’s top young performers assembled for the first ever full production of I WISH, a new musical by Southend-based composer Ashton Moore.
44 of Essex’s top young performers assembled for the first ever full production of I WISH, a new musical by Southend-based composer Ashton Moore.
I WISH is a family-friendly musical which follows three 11-year-old children who wish on a shooting star for their lives to change… and wake up the next morning to find that it has worked! Their journey through the perils of Year 6 – complete with bullies, family drama, school discos, the gossip-magnifying effect of social media, and the looming terror of educational, physical and social change – has suddenly got a lot more interesting…
I WISH is extremely rare in that it is not just a musical with children in it, but a musical that examines what it is like to be a child (particularly in this decade/generation), what it means to be starting to “grow up”, and starting to find yourself and examine your relationship with others. At the centre of I WISH are numerous questions: “Who am I? Is that enough? Who do I want to be?”
Lily Streames
Associate Director
Rebecca Ward
Musical Director
Ashton Moore
Douglas Yolland
Associate Musical Director
Alex Wood
Assistant Choreographers
Mia Bloomfield and Emilia Woodgate
Vocal Coaches
Matilda Bourne and Megan Brooks
Lighting Design
Mark Smith
Sound Design
Glenn Oxenbury
Wind Song Theatre
AFK Productions