I Wish ’21

I WISH returns for it's second theatrical summer residency in Essex, showcasing 38 incredible local performers and 8 professional actors.

I WISH is a family-friendly musical which follows three 11-year-old children who wish on a shooting star for their lives to change… and wake up the next morning to find that it has worked! Their journey through the perils of Year 6 – complete with bullies, family drama, school discos, the gossip-magnifying effect of social media, and the looming terror of educational, physical and social change – has suddenly got a lot more interesting…

I WISH is extremely rare in that it is not just a musical with children in it, but a musical that examines what it is like to be a child (particularly in this decade/generation), what it means to be starting to “grow up”, and starting to find yourself and examine your relationship with others. At the centre of I WISH are numerous questions: “Who am I? Is that enough? Who do I want to be?”

Suitable for Ages 4+
